Fix mouse not being detected or working in Windows

There may be several issue which can cause your mouse not be detected in your system. That may be like computer frozen, mouse conflict, and not connect properly.


            Now we discuss a simple problem for solving this issue.

1-      Check out the mouse component it will work or not.

2-      Check out the mouse component configuration utility in the control panel in system.

3-      Install third party software like free pc optimizer which manage the all configuration file to short out this problem.

Fix Windows error "Data or no disk loaded" with audio CD

Make sure the CD you have currently in the computer is not bad or being misread by the computer by inserting another CD.

CD ROM is not properly work in the system.


                        Check the CD ROM configuration is set or not and insert the disk correctly on your place in the CD ROM.

                        Use the third party utility of best pc optimizer in your system which check the all DLL and system configuration file and if find any mistake that correct that error on the time in the system.